L-Stone Capital proudly participated in Tech Tour South East and Teh Tour Smart Capital that took place in Zappeion Hall in Athens on the 6th and 7th of July. L-Stone Partners Michalis Stangos and Thomas Athanasiou participated in the event, talking about the growth of the Greek entrepreneurship scene, as well as the investment opportunities in our country.

More specifically, on Friday July 7th, Michalis Stangos was part of the “Investment Ecosystem – VC Investments in Greece” panel discussion and was also a member of the judging committee at the “TTSE Pitching Session V: HealthTech”. A day early, on Thursday July 6th, Thomas Athanasiou contributed in the “Collaborative Workshop VI, ESG International Investment Outlook” panel discussion. Thomas also participated as a judge on the “TTSE Pitching Session II: Digital Platforms” that took place on Friday.
Tech Tour South East, which takes place annually in Athens, is co-organised and supported by the Hellenic Development Bank of Investments. The aim of the event is to bring together all the stakeholders of the startup ecosystem to discuss the development of long-term investment strategies in the sectors of Digital/ICT, FinTech, Sustainability and Health Digital Models.
We look forward to next year’s event.